We spent much of our time in Cambridge with Ranald MacCualley of Christian Heritage and now the Cambridge Wilberforce Institute. Ranald taught on the major forces in history and the present day which is shaping our world. We in the West look to a free market economy to work out the problems, when money and the economy are not the answer. Below Ranald is guiding us through one of the colleges at Cambridge.

Cambridge University
Cambridge is a University of 25,000 students consisting of central departments and 31 colleges The central departments provide the research and lectures while the colleges focus on the domestic issues for students.
The Cam

The Cam River flows through the middle of Cambridge. Downtown Cambridge any walker's by are confronted with an agent for a boat company. The boats are put out for punting. Here is a couple of folks enjoying punting.

And then there are those famous rowers at Cambridge University who compete around the world. Here they are out early in the morning getting ready for a competition, maybe with Oxford.

Evenings and Breakfast in Cambridge

Evenings were spent around the table discussing ideas and issues with members of the Christina Heritage group. The group believes strongly in fostering relationships and community. The fellowship was grand and the food was also very good.
For breakfast, we usually had a full english breakfast with a little treat thrown in. It was in Cambridge that we were introduced to Marmite. Have you ever heard of it? It is a saltly little paste that tastes like brewer's yeast, if you have ever had that. Below is marmite spread on toast.
We all loved our english coffee and our english tea. The English stop for tea at 10 AM.

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