The black obelisk was significant to me because it is one of those biblical artifacts that I had read about long ago and now I have seen it and gotten my picture. By itself, it is not that important but when placed in a museum like this one in London among many other biblical artifacts, it becomes important. Many of the relics of earlier times displayed in the museum validate the people and chronologies of the Old Testament. During my college days, many of these artifacts had yet to be discovered and a battle raged over whether they were close to true. Those battles no longer rage as artifacts like the black obilisk have been discovered and preserved in places like the British Museum.

The Black Obelisk
The black obelisk is from the time of Shalmanezer 3rd. In Israel, Ahab(evil king) died( II Kings 9 & 10). The prophet Elisha went to Jehu, an Israelite military captian, and told him to destroy the entire family of Ahab, and become king himself. Jehu obeyed. In the first year of his reign, he attempted to buy the alliegiance of Shalmanezer the 3rd by paying him homage. ( See the man bowing down ). The cuneiform states the man bowing is Jehu. This is the first know depiction of a Israelite king.
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